The Unique

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Mercury goes direct in your sign on the 1st - but don't get excited. Remain calm and focused and keep your schedge as simple and manageable as possible. Once semi-hysterical Mercury is out of its storm on the 8th, you can return to your usual brand of preferred extreme behavior.

The 2nd emphasizes, quite literally, the comforts of home and hearth. You experience a desire for something that you haven't had in ages. That could be anything from your favorite homemade blueberry muffins to that unforgettable ex that slipped through your fingers. You stop denying yourself the things that make you feel warm from the inside out. Instead of delaying sensual pleasure, you grab as much as you can handle and then return for seconds.

The 4th is interesting. Your ability and opportunity to earn more starts to rise, but then so do your expenses. Boring necessities demand your attention and must be addressed. (This 'responsibility/reality' mix continues though mid March. Yawn.)

The 5th cautions you to be very discreet about what you express and who you express it to. Words, spoken or written, may be taken out of context and used as weapons - perhaps against you or a friend of yours. It would be wise to not offer an opinion on the 5th. Let others sputter and blab themselves into a miserably sweaty corner. You don't have to. Lie low and wait for the shite storm to pass. It's only for one day.

The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Leo on the 9th is an important predictor for the next six months, particularly in your popularity, desirability and financial strength. Don't expect instant results. Expect to work like a maniac and be rewarded like an overpaid oil company executive.

You always earn your keep, but really do during this six month phase. This is a proving ground. You prove a lot to yourself, for starters. You also show others how endlessly talented, independent and tireless you are. Your vision, discipline and productivity will knock others over - and make them wish they had your guts.

You make success look instant and relatively easy. It's taken you so many lifetimes and lessons to reach this pinnacle. You've earned every piece of gold and promise of love.

One small caveat: Think carefully before engaging in a financial agreement, partnership or investment on the 12th. There's an element of deceit woven into this matter.

The person who brings this offer to you may be an innocent messenger, but someone (probably the originator of this concept) is operating under false pretenses.

Drag your feet and don't sign or agree to anything on the 12th - and certainly don't get your friends or family involved in this. Something is 'off' about this plan or deal. Don't get involved in it. The remainder of the month is superb.

You feel better all over. You break your own previous record for productivity and excellence. Others look at you and want to be you. Your personal magnetism (always killer) is even stronger and more irresistible.

Even though you're zooming at top speed in work-related matters, slow down in the love zone. You need to give yourself all the time necessary to enjoy each seductive moment - and there will be plenty of those.

The New Moon on the 24th challenges you to try new technology, a new way of thinking, or maybe just a different way of getting to work or school. You end the month on a high note, by making up with an estranged friend or relative and feeling relieved and at peace.

Monthly touchstone: Abalone.

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